Clinical Trials in PU

Posterior uveitis is inflammation in the uvea tissues of the eye that can cause vision loss. Anterior, intermediate, posterior, and panuveitis are the four types of uveitis. The inflammatory diseases that comprise uveitis cause 10% to 15% of blindness cases around the world. [Lowder.Arch Ophthalmol.2011] Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids, and immunomodulatory therapy are the mainstay treatments for posterior uveitis. Antibiotics or antiviral medications are also used if there is an infectious cause. Steroid therapy has evolved to include more intravitreal administration in addition to topical or systemic use. The side effects of steroid therapy, including cataract formation, glaucoma, diabetes, and hypertension must be considered. The use of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agents are not as well-studied for posterior uveitis treatment or uveitis in general. [McKay KM, Leveque TK.RetinaSpecialist.2021]

This section lists the most relevant clinical trials in posterior uveitis. Click on the study name to see more details about each particular study. To enhance visibility of graphs and tables, click on the image to enlarge for expanding viewing.


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